A Vital Call for Dentists in Malaysia
As we kick off 2024, it’s time for dentists across Malaysia to reflect on their professional journey and take proactive steps to secure their careers for the upcoming year. DentProtect, your trusted partner in professional indemnity insurance, understands the unique challenges faced by dental practitioners. Here, we’ll explore the importance of securing your career with our indemnity cover, shedding light on the mandatory requirements set by the Malaysian Dental Council (MDC) that will come into effect in 2025.
The MDC Mandate: A Turning Point for Malaysian Dentists
The Dental Act 2018 (Act 804) that took effect on January 1, 2022,replacing the longstanding Dental Act 1971, designed to accommodate advancements in dental practices and technology, providing a broader regulatory framework. Of particular importance is the introduction of Professional Indemnity Cover as a mandatory requirement for dental practitioners. Starting January 1, 2025, practitioners must accumulate Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points and obtain Professional Indemnity Cover before renewing their practicing certificates. This provision aims to enhance accountability and patient safety within the dental profession.
DentProtect: Your Ultimate Solution for Indemnity Cover.
In response to this pivotal development, DentProtect arises as the cornerstone of security and reassurance for dental practitioners across Malaysia. Our commitment to delivering a user-friendly online platform for professional indemnity coverage is underscored by the meticulous design of three distinct and comprehensive insurance products, carefully tailored to address the varied requirements of dentists.
From Securing Your Own Professional Career to Protecting Your Dental Clinic Assets & Your Team
1. DentProtect: Elevating Individual Protection
Our flagship product, DentProtect, offers individual dentists unparalleled coverage with plans boasting up to RM 5,000,000 in annual coverage and an array of 16 coverage benefits including Legal Representation, Unlimited Retroactive Cover & more. Whether you are a government general dentist, a private practitioner, or a dental specialist, DentProtect, insured by Takaful Malaysia & Pacific Insurance, has you covered.
2. DentProtect360: Clinic-Wide Holistic Protection
Welcome a new era of protection with DentProtect360 – a comprehensive plan designed to safeguard clinic establishments from legal claims. Covering up to 8 dentists, including locum dentists & dental nurses, this plan unifies the protection of your entire team under one robust policy, with up to RM 5,000,000 in annual coverage. DentProtect360 fosters a secured environment for a thriving dental team.
3. All-Risk Plan: Fortify Your Dental Clinic Assets
Recognizing that a dental clinic is more than its practitioners, DentProtect introduces the All-Risk Plan. This indemnity package safeguards essential clinic assets, from dental chairs to imaging equipment & from computers to furniture, against fire, theft, or other accidents. Covering up to RM 800,000 annually, it can be a standalone plan or be added to DentProtect360 for the ultimate clinic operation protection.
Explore, Compare & Get Protected From 20+ Indemnity Protection Plans Available on Our Website. www.dentprotect.com.my
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