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Dental Community

MAHSA International Dentistry Conference (MI-DENT) 2024

The Faculty of Dentistry at MAHSA University has established itself as a leading provider of dental education in Malaysia and beyond. Since its...


Hard Work, Hustle & Grind

When my dear friend Nurul Huda asked me to share my story for inspiration, I felt like I wasn’t enough. I thought, “Who...


Stitching Success

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you leather, make handbags. Fid Harry is the alter-ego of its founder, Dr....

Women In Dentistry

Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon

Dr. Ng Wai Vern is a woman of remarkable dedication, seamlessly blending her demanding career as a dentist with her fervent passion for...

Women In Dentistry

Rooted Resilience

My early years in Malaysia At the age of five, my family migrated to Malaysia, settling in Kedah at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM),...

Dental Community

Steering the Future of Private Dental Practice in Malaysia

The Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners’ Association (MPDPA), established in 1968, stands as a beacon of support and advocacy for private dental practitioners across...



From a young age, many of us are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” For Dr. Suren, the...


A Second Chance Smile:Transformative Odyssey from Corporate Confinement to Dental Destiny

My journey to become a dentist began long before I entertained the idea of a career change. Born into a bustling household of...

Women In Dentistry

Behind The Smiles

As someone who has been a ‘fangirl’ since I was 7 years old, I am eager to prove to anyone concerned that you...

Women In Dentistry

Breaking The Silence

In the bustling corridors of the dental clinics, Dr. Urshalyah greets her patients with a warm smile, a reassuring presence in thier time...